The board.
The board
The board is JF’s highest executive body, subsidiary to the Annual General Greeting (AGG). All thirteen board members are chosen at the AGG which is held between 1st October and 1st December every year. During the operating year, the Board can appoint officials in each commitee that are responsible for certain activities, as required.
The Board is The Law Students' Association's highest executive body, which is accountable to the Annual General Meeting (AGM). All thirteen board members are elected at the AGM, which is held between October 1st and December 1st every year. During the operating year, which coincides with the calendar year, the Board can appoint officials in each committee. Check out our social media channels or contact a board member directly to find out what opportunities we have available.
The Board is required to meet a minimum of once a month except during june-august, however meetings are usually held more frequently. The President heads the meetings as well as a sub-group of the board, the "Working group" (consisting of the Presidency, and the Treasury). This sub-group prepares general documents for the board meetings.
The Board makes decision through simple majority unless otherwise specified, and in accordance with the Bylaws of the Association which set out by the AGM. Furthermore, the Board is subject to review by the AGM, mainly at the annual discharge meeting held in the beginning of the spring semester, but also through extraordinary meetings.